Original implementation: Jan 01, 2019
Modified on: Dec 07, 2024
Copyright © Digital Realism Studios
Digital Realism’s trademarks signify Digital Realism’s high-quality products and services, and they are valuable assets of the company. Digital Realism’s copyright rules & policies can be found at Copyright. The following is a list of Digital Realism’s trademarks and registered trademarks in Jordan and certain other countries. Please note, however, that this listing is not all-inclusive and the absence of any trademark from this list does not mean that it is not a Digital Realism’s trademark.
Trademark Registration Certificate # 186726 Registered in Jordan.
Digital Realism Registered Trademarks and Logos
Digital Realism ® | Digital Realism Studios ® | Digital Realism Pictures ® | DR Studios ® | Digital Realism School ®

Digital Realism Trademarks and Logos Use Guidelines
Our corporate logos and trademarks are an important part of our brand. It represents our identity and are a valuable piece of intellectual property. Letting other companies or parties use our logos or trademarks can give the impression that we favor or endorse them. In some situations, it can even mean we have legal liability. So, we’re very careful with its use. To request use of our logos or trademarks, use the Request Quote Tool. The process is easier if a Digital Realism’s employee sponsors your request, so please talk with your Digital Realism’s contact first. We have created special logos for partners and education programs providers.
A | Our logos or trademarks should be never used in any material, campaign, or marketing without direct written approval from Digital Realism.
B | Our logos or trademarks should be used as it is with the same proportions, shape, and color, any modifications on logos or trademarks is prohibited.
C | Our logos or trademarks are only in black or white depends on the background, for any other colors reach out to us.
D | Our logos or trademarks placement should be appropriate without any disrespect in any way for our logos or trademarks and other brands logos or trademarks.
E | Our logos or trademarks should be never used in any material, campaign, or marketing that discriminate any humans or animals or companies or groups or parties or carries any political or religious content, we respect all, including any race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, ethnicity, national origin, socioeconomic status, language, shape, dress, color, and physical ability.
F | Despite we respect and love people with any sexual orientation, but we believe in our God Jehovah and our Lord Jesus Christ, the creator who created Man and Woman from the beginning, in this context it is totally prohibited to use or add or put our logos or trademarks, either by using it in full size or any portion of it or any marks of our identity in any material that contain 2SLGBTQIA+ signs or words or declaration or support any sexual orientation other than natural or straight in any way.
G | If you find yourself uncertain or in need of assistance, we encourage you to reach out to us via the “Contact Us” page or by visiting our studio. Our team is readily available to provide the necessary support.
Third Party Trademarks
Other third-party logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Digital Realism and any other company.
Updating the Digital Realism Trademarks
Digital Realism may, but is not required to, update its trademarks from time to time. You are bound by any such updates and should therefore check to see whether this trademarks page has been modified (see “Last modified” date above) each time you get encountered with Digital Realism’s trademarks. If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach Digital Realism by e-mail on Contact Us or by visiting our studio.